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Rough to Revised: Self-editing for Impact
Program Overview
Reverse Outline (3 weeks)
Self-study lesson: The Reverse Outline
Create your own Reverse Outline
Complete your Reverse Outline
Rewrites (2 weeks)
Create a Revision Plan
Your character's emotional wound and GMC
Synopsis (3 weeks)
Self-study lesson
Create a synopsis
Synopsis critiques
Content Edits (4 weeks)
The elements of Act One
Elements of a good scene
The elements of Act Two (first half)
Scene-level Pacing
Content Edits (4 weeks)
The elements of Act Two (second half)
Voice, Tone and Theme
The elements of Act Three
Deepening the POV
Final Structural Edit Pass (2 weeks)
Fast read-through
Revise Synopsis and Revision Plan
Copy Edits (6 weeks)
Style guides, style sheets and online AI tools
Clarity & Consistency
Showing vs. Telling
Sentence-level pacing
Tightening the writing
Get Feedback (3 weeks)
Non-professional feedback
Professional feedback
Chapter One critiques
Final Polish (2 weeks)
Self-study lesson
Next Steps (3 weeks)
Book blurbs, author bios & comp titles
Rewrite the synopsis
Pros & cons of the different publishing paths
Teach online with
Your character's emotional wound and GMC
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